The 6th Annual Albert Institute Bladder Cancer Symposium was held September 12th-15th in Minneapolis, MN.  This years host was Dr. Badrinath Konety  and University of Minnesota Medical School. Bladder cancer experts convened to discuss topics of focus including; 1.) Tumor Microenvironment, 2.) Immuno-Oncology, 3.) Variant Histology and impact on treatments, 4.) Outcomes based session and 5.) The Moving Landscape in Bladder Cancer Drug/Technology/Trial Development Session.

The 5th Annual Albert Institute Bladder Cancer Symposium was held September 13th-16th in Kansas City, MO.  This years host was Dr. John Taylor III, and the University of Kansas Medical Center. Bladder cancer experts convened to discuss topics of focus including; 1.) Sex Steroids in Bladder Cancer, 2.) Immuno-Oncology sequencing, makers related to choice of therapy, 3.) Variant Histology and impact on treatment, 4.) Metabolism and Bladder Cancer, and 5.) The Moving Landscape in Bladder Cancer Drug/Technology/Trial Development                                                      Session.

The 4th Annual Albert Institute Bladder Cancer Symposium was held September 14th-17th in Houston, TX.  This years host was Dr. Ashish Kamat, and MD Anderson Cancer Center. Bladder cancer experts convened to discuss topics of focus including; 1.) Immunology and Immunotherapy: Adopting Basic Science into the Clinic, 2.) The heterogeneity of carcinoma in situ, 3.) Selecting the Right Intravesical Therapy, 4.) Optimizing Patient Care and Outcomes after Therapy and 5.) The Moving Landscape in Bladder Cancer Drug/Technology/Trial                Development Session.

The 3rd Annual Albert Institute Bladder Cancer Symposium was held September 8-10 in Denver, CO.  This years host was Dr. Thomas Flaig and the University of Colorado. Bladder cancer experts convened to discuss topics of focus including; Best Practices for Tissue Analysis and Use to Optimize Correlative Studies, Modeling bladder cancer to facilitate understanding and innovation, Tumor Phylogeny in Bladder Cancer, New Innovations in Bladder Cancer Diagnostics and a new interactive session including pharmaceutical/industry representatives   discussing novel Targeted Therapies for Bladder Cancer.

The 2nd Annual Albert Institute Bladder Cancer Symposium was held September 4-6 in Minneapolis, MN. Bladder cancer experts convened with topics of focus including; emerging concepts of bladder cancer progenitor cells and their “theranostic” implications, immunotherapy with checkpoint inhibitors and beyond in NMIBC, evaluation and analysis of current and upcoming technologies  in bladder cancer and facilitating a path for the approval of molecularly-targeted agents in bladder cancer – insights from successes in lung cancer. The guest                                                      speaker was Gerry Timm, co-founder of American Medical Systems. In addition,                                              an update on funded studies was provided and the Albert Institute Fellows                                                        presented the culmination of their work.

The Inaugural Albert Institute Bladder Cancer Symposium was held September 4-6 in Hartford, CT. There was international attendance of bladder cancer experts focusing on several areas of care including; best practice and optimization of BCG use, identification and assessment of barriers to giving multi-modal therapy, issues surrounding improvement of delivery of neoadjuvant chemotherapy and contribution of variant histology to therapeutic resistance. Guest speakers included Jeffrey Chuang, PhD, of the Jackson Laboratory, Farmington, CT and Coach Jim Calhoun, Hall of Fame Basketball coach for the University of Connecticut.




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